USR8022 22 Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Router



Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • NAT e VPN
  • Il computer non cominicacon gli altri computer
  • Comunicare con l’Acess Point
  • Wireless Antenna Use
  • Low Link Quality
  • List of Ports for Special Applications
  • Print Server for Macintosh
  • Wireless range performance
  • How do I enter a 256-bit WEP Key in Windows XP?
  • How do I enable the USRobotics Wireless Configuration Utility in Windows XP?
  • Supporto tecnico

    Se le informazioni in questa sezione non ti hanno aiutato a risolvere i tuoi problemi, contattaci direttamente al nostro help desk tecnico.

    Nota: Per far sì che il browser non apra questi file, clicca col pulsante destro sul file e seleziona Save Target As... per scaricarlo.

    Manuali e altri documenti


    Printer Server per Windows
    This self-extracting file contains drivers for the USRobotics Broadband Router Printer Server per Windows.
    1. Download this file to a temporary location on your hard disk drive.
    2. Double-click the file in Windows Explorer. The file will launch the print server application.
    3. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
    You will need to restart your computer after installation. This file should not be used with any other product.
    Win 95, 98, Me 9x_Me.exe776 Kb 28-08-02
    Win NT, 2000, XP NT_2K_XP.exe773 Kb28-08-02

    Aggiornamenti firmware

    Aggiornamenti firmware Versione 4.2
    USRobotics is offering this update to enhance connectivity via the following features:
    • Disable SSID Broadcast Function.
    • Enhanced throughput.
    Fai doppio click sul file e segui le istruzioni sullo schermo per completare l’installazione. Follow the directions in the upgrade.txt file to complete the update.

    Nota:  Flashing your USRobotics 22 Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Router with anything other than USRobotics approved firmware will void your warranty. 333 KB 15-07-03
    Aggiornamenti firmware Versione 3.1
    This firmware update has been created to enhance the use of Virtual Private Network (VPN) connectivity via the following:
    • Universal Plug-and-Play NAT Traversal functionality.
    • Client association list.
    • Dynamic DNS function.
    Fai doppio click sul file e segui le istruzioni sullo schermo per completare l’installazione. Follow the directions in the upgrade.txt file to complete the update.

    Nota:  Flashing your USRobotics 22 Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Router with anything other than USRobotics approved firmware will void your warranty. 296 KB 27-03-03

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