USR8000A Broadband Router


FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • Configuring Your Broadband Router 8000A for use with Analog Modems
  • Configuring Your Broadband Router 8000A for use with Cable Modems
  • Saving and Restoring Configurations for Your Broadband Router 8000A
  • List of Ports for Special Applications
  • NAT and VPN
  • Additional Broadband Router 8000A FAQ's
  • Additional Broadband Router 8000 FAQ's (PDF)
  • Log Interpretation (PDF)Includes messages from firmware update 1.23.
  • Supporto tecnico

    Se le informazioni in questa sezione non ti hanno aiutato a risolvere i tuoi problemi, contattaci direttamente al nostro help desk tecnico.

    Verify your product
    Is this your router? Verify that the label on the bottom of the router, the front panel, and the back panel look like the images below. If they do not, check the USR8000A (8000-02) or USR8000A (8000-03) support pages.

    Front Panel

    Back Panel

    Label on the Bottom Panel

    Nota: Per far sì che il browser non apra questi file, clicca col pulsante destro sul file e seleziona Save Target As... per scaricarlo.

    Manuali e altri documenti

    Drivers e Aggiornamenti firmware

    Aggiornamenti firmware
    Fai doppio click sul file e segui le istruzioni sullo schermo per completare l’installazione. Follow the directions in the update.txt file to complete the update. The following improvements have been made to this firmware update:
    • Any Versione of Netscape or Internet Explorer greater than 4.0 can now successfully backup and restore router settings. Alternate browsers under Linux (Galeon, Mozilla) have tested to work successfully, but are not supported.
    • The user will see the Login page after every logout.
    • Formatting is consistent with the Client Filtering page when viewed with browsers on a Macintosh.
    Nota:  Flashing your Broadband Router with anything other than USRobotics approved firmware will void your warranty. 688 Kb 05-02-02
    Printer Server for all Windows Operating Systems
    This self-extracting file contains drivers for the USRobotics Broadband Router 8000A Printer Server per Windows.
    1. Download this file to a temporary location on your hard disk drive.
    2. Double-click the file in Windows Explorer. The file extracts the necessary files to the C:\USR\Drivers directory.
    3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the setup.exe file and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
    You will need to restart your computer after installation. This file should not be used with any other product.
    8000A_DRV.exe 716 Kb 29-03-02

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