USR805451A Wireless MAXg Access Point


moreClicca qui per altre immagini del prodotto

Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • Avvertenza importante sulla configurazione di USR5451
  • Wireless LANs – Are They Safe?
  • WDS Restrictions
  • Configure Windows' Utility to connect using 802.11x (RADIUS server)
  • Wireless range performance
  • Domande frequenti

  • Supporto tecnico

    Se le informazioni in questa sezione non ti hanno aiutato a risolvere i tuoi problemi, contattaci direttamente al nostro help desk tecnico.

    Nota: Per far sì che il browser non apra questi file, clicca col pulsante destro sul file e seleziona Save Target As... per scaricarlo.

    Manuali e altri documenti

    Risoluzione dei problemi


    Firmware Versione

    With this new firmware, the user can connect to the Access Point using a static IP address if no DHCP server is available. The default LAN IP address of the Access Point is

    1. Download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    2. To upgrade your USRobotics Wireless MAXg Access Point with all operating systems, open an Internet browser and enter the device's IP address.
    3. Enter your User name and Password. Click OK.
    4. Click Device in the main menu.
    5. Under the "Upgrade Access Point" section, enter the location of the USR5451A-v3. file in the text box, or click the Browse button to search for the file. Then click the Upgrade button to begin the upgrade process.
    6. When the upgrade process is complete, the device will reboot. To re-establish a connection with your device, wait approximately 15 seconds and click Continue.
    USR5451A-v3. 1.36 MB 30-10-06
    GPL Source Code
    The GPL Source Code contained in this product is available as a free download from the GPL Code Central


    Firmware Versione
    This firmware adds support for Radius authentication with WPA2/WPA and improves MAXg wireless multicast performance.
    USR5451A-v3. 1.5 MB 06-01-06
    Firmware Versione
    USR5451A-v3. 1.5 MB 22-11-05

    Nome del software

    MAXg Detection Utility
    MAXg Detection Utility is a tool per Windows which will identify the USR5451A on your network and open a web browser to the management interface.
    usrmaxg-detect-setup-1.05.exe 2.03 MB 25-01-06

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