USR2410 e USR2415 11 Mbps Wireless PC Card e PCI Adapter

(USR982410, USR982415)


Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • Guida per la risoluzione dei problemi
  • Risoluzione dei problemi wireless (PDF)
  • Wireless range performance
  • Supporto tecnico

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    Manuali e altri documenti

    Drivers e Aggiornamenti firmware
    11 Mbps Wireless Drivers e Configuration Utility - Versione USR03_1.33
    This supports Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, e XP
    Nota:  You must run the driver Uninstallation Utility and remove the 1.25/1.28 Configuration utility before updating the driver for your USR2410 and USR2415 11Mbps Wireless PC Card.
    • Click to download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    • Double-click this file in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to install the USR2410 and USR2415 11 Mbps Configuration Drivers and Utility.
    Driver_USR03_1.33.exe 648Kb 19-06-02
    11 Mbps Wireless Drivers e Configuration Utility - Versione USR03_1.33
    This supports Windows 95 Only

    Nota:  You must run the driver Uninstallation Utility and remove the 1.25/1.28 Configuration utility before updating the driver for your USR2410 and USR2415 11Mbps Wireless PC Card.
    • Click to download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    • Double-click this file in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to install the USR2410 and USR2415 11 Mbps Configuration Drivers and Utility.
    Driver_USR03_1.33_Win95.exe 648Kb 19-06-02
    11 Mbps Wireless Drivers e Firmware Update instructions
    • Click to download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    • Double-click this file in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to extract the instructions.


    48Kb 23-08-02
    11 Mbps Wireless Drivers Uninstallation Tool
    • Click to download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    • Double-click this file in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to extract the tool. This should be run prior to updating drivers.
    Uninstall_pre1.33_6.26.02.exe 53Kb 26-06-02
    11 Mbps Wireless Firmware Update Utility
    • Click to download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    • Double-click this file in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to install the USR2410 and USR2415 11 Mbps Firmware Update Utility.


    1.2Mb 29-05-02
    11 Mbps Wireless Firmware Update
    • Click to download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.
    • Double-click this file in Windows Explorer and follow the prompts to extract the USR2410 and USR2415 11 Mbps Firmware Update file.
    Firmware_S1010409.exe 88Kb 26-04-02
    Windows CE Support for Wireless LAN PC Cards
    BETA Click to download this file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive. Double-click this file in Windows Explorer and extract the files to the suggested folder path. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. USRobotics is providing this driver set as is, and it is currently unsupported.
    USR00_WinCE.exe 457Kb 15-08-01
    Linux Drivers for Wireless PC Cards e PCI Adapters
    BETAClick to download these 4 files to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive. Use gzip or an equivalent utility to uncompress them. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. USRobotics is providing this driver set as is, and it is currently unsupported.
    prism2-pci-patch-0.1.tar.gz 28Kb 16-07-01
    linux-wlan-ng-0.1.7.tar.gz 186 Kb 16-07-01
    linux-wlan-ng-0.1.8-pre13.tar.gz 239 Kb 16-07-01
    USR00_Linux.txt 1 Kb 16-07-01


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