USR2216 22 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter



Garanzia: 2 Anni

FAQs in inglese

  • Informazioni sulla riparazione
  • Il computer non cominicacon gli altri computer
  • Low Link Quality
  • Comunicare con l’Acess Point
  • Wireless Antenna Use
  • Wireless range performance
  • How do I enter a 256-bit WEP Key in Windows XP?
  • How do I enable the USRobotics Wireless Configuration Utility in Windows XP?
  • Supporto tecnico

    Se le informazioni in questa sezione non ti hanno aiutato a risolvere i tuoi problemi, contattaci direttamente al nostro help desk tecnico.

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    Manuali e altri documenti

    Installazione e Aggiornamenti firmware

    54 Mbps Performance Upgrade
    Nota:  To take full advantage of the 54 Mbps Performance Enhancement you must completely update your wireless infrastructure. Follow the instructions below to update your wireless product.

    Configuration Utility - Versione USR03_307_v3.0.0.0_4x for use with Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, e XP.

    If the product has never been installed before:

    1. Print these instructions.
    2. Download the USR03_307_v3.0.0.0_4x.exe file located at the bottom of the page.
    3. Run the USR03_307_v3.0.0.0_4x.exe file and it will install the drivers and utilities. Shut down your computer and physically install your hardware.
    4. Upon starting, the device should be detected and automatically installed. If you receive a message regarding Driver Signature, click Yes, or Continue Anyway.

    When completed, your device is installed correctly. Windows 98 machines may require you to insert your Windows CD-ROM and you may be required to restart your computer again.

    If you are upgrading your device:

    1. Print these instructions.
    2. Download the USR03_307_v3.0.0.0_4x.exe file located at the bottom of the page.
    3. Run the USR03_307_v3.0.0.0_4x.exe file and it will detect a previous Versione of the installed drivers.
    4. Click Yes to run the uninstall.
    5. When prompted, restart your computer.
    6. When you start Windows, you should be prompted with a "New Hardware Found" message. It is important that you click Cancel when prompted.

      Nota:  It is critical that you click Cancel when prompted. The installation may not work successfully if you try to complete the Hardware Installation Wizard.

    7. After you have cancelled the wizard and successfully restarted, run the USR03_307_v3.0.0.0_4x.exe file again. This time it will begin the installation process.
    8. Once completed, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
    9. Upon restarting, the device should detect and automatically install. If you receive any message about Driver Signature, click Yes, or Continue Anyway.

    When completed, your device is installed correctly. Windows 98SE machines may require you to insert your Windows CD-ROM, and/or you may be required to restart your computer again.

    USR03_307_v3.0.0.0_4x.exe 2.1 MB 03-07-03
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